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Training Offered

Below is a number of categories in which training is offered or will be offered in the near future. Please feel free to search and register for those classes that are of interest to you. Thank you for your interest in the West Tennessee Regional Training Center (WTRTC).
Law Enforcement

This page will provide a comprehensive listing with description of all Law Enforcement related courses.

Emergency Medical

For a listing and description of all courses pertaining to Mental Health and Emergency Medical Services and related areas of interest go here.

Fire & Rescue

Go here to see all courses related to Fire & Rescue including information about each course offering.


Check this page for all course that offer a certification in a particular field or area of expertise.


This page will provide information about all Corrections courses including TCI offerings and TDOC as well as other related topics.

College Credit

Check this page for a listing of all courses that will provide college credit towards a degree and the College or University that recognizes the course.

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